
Means of travel

Means of travel refers to ways to travel to a foreign land and their advantages / disadvantages.
Some of the common ways are

Air Travel
This is the most popular way of transport. It's quick, it's comfortable and it's just too easy. But try avoiding Air travel (if possible) when weather forecast is not good, delays in flight can be avoided in such a case.

Travel by Sea
This has become a out-of-date kind of travel option for very long journeys as it takes days to reach the destination. Although for short journey's it's really a romantic ride. Many luxury cruisers take the passenger to their vacations to foreign travels

Travel by Land Travel by land is only possible for the places which are near to your country and connected by land. So this is a constricted way of travel. But the best part is that you can even visit/watch places lying between your source and destination. Land travel includes Road and Rail transportations. The bad side of the story is that you may find it expensive in some cases if you are travelling by your private vehicle. Better use public transport in such cases.